Csoport-téka Egyesület
alapítva 2001
Csoport-téka Association is a non-governmental organization founded in 2001. The founders and members are social workers, drama educators, labour-force market advisors, psychologists and supporting members.
The aim the association is to provide a platform and run different programmes in order to support social integration and inclusion of the members of marginalised groups, such as unemployed people.
We have a lot of partner organisations, for whom equal opportunity, tolerance for diversity, cooperation, change management, partnership and customer service orientation in services are all important.
Our biggest project was to run a social enterprise, a Job Club system, with the support of NESsT-portfolio. We had full-time experts between 2008 and 2012, since we were accredited rehabilitation workplace for disabled.
Nowadays we work mainly with volunteers and project based experts.
Our fields of work:
We run our activities on two levels. We deal with the members of marginalised groups on the one hand; on the other hand, we run trainings for specialists who help these groups.
1.) Educational and job searching programs
Our main profile is to develop social skill and key-competences, and to teach job-searching techniques both with individual counselling and in group training.
The Association had job club in different districts of Budapest, Hungary since 2002. We helped hundreds of clients to create opportunity of work; co-operating with family-support services of 7th, 8th and 10th district.
The service-elements of the Job Club:
providing information about labour-market,
personal consultation,
training about job-seeking techniques and developing skills,
career orientation and carrier correction counselling,
psychological-psychiatric counselling;
opportunity to practice computer technology and English
job-interview interactive training
Beside this, we provide the opportunity to find the actual position and to apply for it: advertising newspapers, connection via telephone and Internet.
The considerable part of our clientèle has low or non-up-to-date educational skills or they are job-hunters for a longer time. Some of them belongs disavanteged groups in the labour markett: young mothers, people over 45 years, have health problems or are disabled, and are Roma job seekers.
We had mentoration programs for registered job-hunters at the regional labour centers for yoears in Budapest, and Pest county.
All our services aim to make clients look for job in an active way by actvating their own resources.
Some of our clients wanted to start a business, for htem we provided ounselling about founding an enterprise
2) Trainings
We provide a training system for our partner organisations,
with different modules in connection with Job-hunting:
Techniques of writing CVs
Techniques of phoning
Preparing for job-interview
Mapping their own strength
Equal opportunity on the labour market, treating prejudices
Information about labour-market
Information: where to look for jobs?
During our training we focus on developing key-competences and skills:
Managing conflicts
Developing communication
Modules in connection with training
Methods of studying
Developing creativity
The trainings for experts has an additional
module beside this: methodology of
working with job-seekers.
3) Counselling, labour-market information for firms, organisations
We had rehabilitational consultation: information required in connection with employing disabled ones
Equal-opportunity consultation: we help to write equal-opportunity plan for applications, we monitor fulfilling it
Individual and group training employees and employers of firms: presenting information and skill-development on equal-opportunity.
Preparing for employment accreditation: Information about changes of law, preparation for the new accreditation system.
4.) Prevention groups
We held prevention groups the young, young adults, and we share it during a prevention workshop and we supply our experiences and our methods with colleagues dealing with them.
The aim of our prevention programs is - on the one hand - in order for that the young to get suitable information about addictions and possibility of getting and requesting help; - on the other hand - we wish to show alternatives about solving stress situations and spending spare time. We deal with developing basic social skills of participating young people and adults during the trainings. Our aim is to let them acquire such behavioural and communicational skills, which will useful in solving their daily problems and treating their conflicts.
Between 2001-2009, We were running drama groups for young-teenagers in Youth Club of City of Budaörs Városi Ifjúsági Klub as part of our prevention program. We run an drama camp every summer in Zichy Major of Budaörs together with Artist Association of Budaörs.
5.) Creative work-group
We collaborated in keeping craft workshops on other organisations' programs.
We organize family-day programs for years with creative workshops.
We orrrganized preparations of doing craft-work for Festivals with the Association's members.
Our creative commando: Our association's young artists make youth clubs, clubs, exhibitional places friendlier together with Somogyi Ferenc. Discussing with our customers, we take planning pictures and constructing it in a quality.
6.) International programs
In June 2009, we took part as facilitators in training called „Unemployment: I don't have a job but I'm working on it” which was organized by SALTO Inclusion RC and the Portuguese National Agency, which was organized for specialists of EU-countries dealing with young job-hunters with underprivileged background. See the link here about the project. You can download the study of the results from here:
In the summer of 2009 Drama-therapy training in Czech Republic: Training Course: The Use of Drama-therapy in Intercultural Learning, 25.7. - 1.8. 2009, Sázavka, Czech Republic
Intercultural navigator training together British Council in Romaversitas for young Roma students between 2009-2012 See the link here to know more: and here on Facebook.
Delegate an expert to the European Commission expert group called: Expert group on Peer-learning on creative and innovative potential of young people - Promoting the creativity and innovative capacity of young people by identifying competences and skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning relevant for employability. 2012-2014. See the link here for the report:
7.) Video CV programme
Video CV is a two-minute-long CV based on video recording, which completes and strengthens a good CV, it offers a new opportunity for being chosen for a job-interview and settling a job successfully.
The strength of the Video CV is in visuality, the possibility of personal impression and the professional back-ground offered uniquely by Csoport-téka Association.
Our Association has a one-decade-long job-hunting professional back-ground and we have helped hundreds of clients in finding a job. Our new service, the Video CV offers an out-standing possibility for finding a job in even more successful and quicker way.
For whom do we suggest it?
We suggest making a Video CV:
For young people: it is a dynamic, unique way for career starters for rising attention
For those whose work requires appearance, presentation, discussion: costumer service jobs, leaders, sales, communication, PR
To those, it is important to introduce themselves in a creative and unique way: marketing, sales, artists, work-fields in connection with visuality.
To those who can present their portfolio about themselves – it takes more information in comparison to CV: artists, graphic artists, multimedia workers
To those, it is important to speak fluently in a foreign language, or they want to work abroad.
Everyone who want excel from increasing number of job-hunters – and want to make application more unique, striking, memorable
8) Structured Dialogue and EU Youth Conference
Csoport-téka Association as an NGO has provided an expert to the National Working Group in the Structured Dialogue process since 2010. The structured dialogue with young people initiated by the European Union aims to involve young people in the discussion about the issues related to youth. The overall priority of the first Trio Presidency was youth employment.
Specific priorities:
Spain: involving young people with disadvantaged background
Belgium: youth work and the accessability of culture
Hungary: active participation and voluntary work
While statistics on youth unemployment show continuous growth in Europe, the EU Youth Conference and DG Meeting of the first cycle of the Structured Dialogue in the framework of the current Trio Presidency delivers 8 concrete policy recommendations and proposals of actions to improve youth employment policy in Europe. The results will be transferred to the Council of the European Union to be adopted in a Council Resolution on the Structured Dialogue in May 2011.
The Hungarian Presidency aims to further develop the issue of youth participation and active citizenship. Linked to the purposes of the European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenship (2011), the Hungarian Presidency will address the quiestion of how voluntary activities can contribute to democracy in local communities.
During the 18 months process, consultations were held at least once in all the EU Member States, allowing young people and youth organisations to express their expectations and needs related to youth employment. The three days of workshops resulted in 8 policy messages put forward jointly by youth representatives and decision-makers.
We also provide a facilitator to the EU Youth Conference in Hungary.
From here you can download the outcomes of the Structured Dialogue:
At the later phase the working group launched the Szólj bele! program.